Visit Arctic Coast

Discover your North

The need for an arctic coastal brand

Our home base, Kalajoki, has been a beloved holiday destination for domestic travelers for decades. The sandy beaches and dunes have gathered people to play, swim and enjoy sunny days and magic sunsets and little by little a maritime resort has been built around the domestic summer visitors. Now Kalajoki is experiencing a period of major investments that will place the coastal resort high up on the list of top Nordic destinations. The new Kalajoki Marina is opening in 2026 and a sauna world and indoor arctic water park are following, together with stylish, coastally branded accommodation. So Kalajoki is more than ready for demanding international guests.

For international guests travelling sustainably it is important to visit more than just one destination on the arctic coast. We agree with this and look back at the history of the coast. The towns and villages have always been good at networking and cooperating, so with this mindset we are collecting our likeminded partners to join us.

We feel that this fantastic area with its arctic seasons, heritage rooted in the coastal ways of life and modern day five star living conditions deserves a travel platform of its own. A brand that speaks for the fresh, cool and innovative services paired with the precious maritime nature.