Visit Arctic Coast

Discover your North

Questions and Answers of our B2B-partners

When is a good time to travel the arctic coast?

On the arctic coast we have always lived with the ever-changing seasons, special weather, and atmosphere. The light
is a remarkable feature on the coast. We have deep darkness and endless light within a year. Every day is unique and
the superb service suppliers have experiences, activities, and programs at hand.

Do you only offer coastal experiences?

Sometimes there are good reasons to make a detour inland. One of our unique partners is Arctic Crater Lake Geopark,
which can be easily reached from the coast for a daytrip or a longer stay.

Why is now a good time to prospect Visit Arctic Coast?

This region of Finland is still unknown by international markets, yet it is experienced in travel service production as it
is in the favor of domestic travelers. As we speak, our home haven, Kalajoki, is investing remarkably and sustainably
in travel infrastructure, e.g. building a new marina, arctic wellness park and more seafront accommodation. Partners
who start cooperation with Visit Arctic Coast now, get to launch a totally new destination together with us. We are
aware of the curious mind of the international explorers and adventurers of today and know that together with our
amazing coastal partners and a broad knowledge on the travel companies on the arctic coast we can offer you longer
stays and road-trips to the area.

Who can we do business with?

Visit Arctic Coast has two experienced and astute Sales Managers who are happy to assist you with creating
programs, packages, and road trips. We will be your partner, working side-by-side with you to map out the programs
and suitable services for your clientele and the best operational partners in the area for you.

How can I contact you to get the prospecting of your services started?

You can reach us per mail or phone. We are happy to set up virtual tours via Teams and provide you with itineraries
and sample packages.
Ms Anu Kärnä +358 40 565 83 71
Ms Jaana Sirkiä +358 40 359 14 57