Visit Arctic Coast

Discover your North

Arctic Crater Lake Geopark achieves UNESCO status

At Visit Arctic Coast we are very happy to congratulate Arctic Crater Lake Geopark (offic. Impact Crater Lake Geopark) for the achievement of UNESCO Global Geopark status! This story begun 78 million years ago as a meteorite happened to crash earth and form this geologically unique lake environment. While other lakes in Finland were created much later, by the ice-age, Lake Lappajärvi (i.e. Arctic Crater Lake) already existed and remains unique still today.

Preparations for the application of UNESCO-status for the Geopark have meant great development steps for the community, investments and long term commitment for the constant development of the Geopark. The UNESCO -status is a result of this dedicated work. UNESCO Global Geopark brand is a guarantee of quality for travelers and visitors of the area. An increase in especially nature and cultural heritage travel is expected to the area in the coming years.

Arctic Crater Lake Geopark Lappajärvi is a partner in Visit Arctic Coast value network, and we look forward to sharing the product highlights and exciting experiences of this special destination with our international travel trade partners. Stay tuned!

What is a UNESCO Global Geopark?
“UNESCO Global Geoparks (UGGp) are single, unified geographical areas where sites and landscapes of international geological significance are managed with a holistic concept of protection, education and sustainable development.”
There are almost 200 UNESCO Global Geoparks in 48 countries.